Pink is for party! Take celebrations to the next level with these pretty pink LED net lights. With their ease of use, the decorating possibilities are endless. Drape them over shrubs and small trees for birthday parties. Wrap tree trunks and cover fences with light. Hang them against a wall for an extra pop of color at a sweet 16 party. Each set of LED net string lights has 100 5mm lenses spaced evening in a grid on a 4 foot by 6 foot web of strings. With a maximum connection of 21 sets, a second extension cord might not be required to decorate an entire project. Turn your entire home into a castle! LED lights are also weather and moisture-resistant, making them a good choice for all types of weather.
Other uses for pink LED net lights include:
- October - Breast Cancer Awareness
- proms and school dances
- Valentine's Day celebrations
- Male and female plug sets, connect end to end or use stackable male plug
- Use up to 90% less electricity than traditional sets
- One piece LED construction to resist moisture
- UL rated for indoor/outdoor operation